The Polish Lowland Sheepdog

 Barbara-Rayska Swist, Banciarnia Kennel

On the way back home with dinner on their minds



Enjoying a snowy winter in Poland



The Polish Lowland Sheepdog

by Barbara-Rayska Swist, Banciarnia Kennel , Poland
translated by Margaret Korzeniowska, Tramperus Pons

The name of Polish Lowland Sheepdog connects him with Lowlands , he however is doing great in the mountains, seaside , forest , city . He has incredible values : medium size suitable for small and big living quarters , garden , veranda. He feels good in the city and in the country . Covered with an attractive heavy coat which taken proper care of ( once a week combed through ) will not cause any trouble.
Additionally he is blessed with unusual intelligence , great  memory and beauty giving joy to his lucky owners.

In  recent years, the Pon is widely recognized in the whole world. Big fame however does not always work to a dog's advantage. More and more he is becoming only a " Show Puppet" on whom the handlers practice a variety of hairstyles , making the dog look ridiculous and loosing the natural appearance of the breed . We should all care about the Pon and preserving his natural , healthy appearance and not allow him to become just a decorative Toy dog.


It is understood that nowadays, the Pon is not going to herd sheep and cattle but he is a dog of activity and job (he needs a job). He should be led (in this natural for him spirit), by being provided with a lot of activities and games ; fortunately there are a lot of them, which are created for this smart and witty dog which can be successfully trained for obedience,  tracking , protection and also rescue.
It is particularly common for the Pon to exhibit a seemingly lack of interest during practice classes , after which he surprises everyone with excellence in performing the commands.
It looks as though he is just bored but he understands everything in a heartbeat.
If the sports and organized schooling are not your favorite choices, it is enough to lead an active lifestyle with Pon full of excursions , running and swimming.






