Flinkbein kennel

kennel Flinkbein
Taija Tuohilampi

Lepsämäntie 545
01830 Lepsämä
tel. +358 445367176






Active PONS are Happy and Healthy PONS
(Managing your PONS down time)



Active PONS are healthy and happy PONS. There are countless ways in which owners can influence their PONS overall physical and mental health.

There is one area which even many of the most well meaning owners, breeders, trainers, etc. overlook - the state of their PONS emotional health. Providing for this is just as important as  their physical well being. What can owners do to make sure their PON is emotionally healthy  before they reach a critical stage? Many solutions are available to combat boredom in dogs.

Boredom is one thing, many PONS  face on a daily basis. Not only is this very bad for the dog, but it is usually preventable. Many of the most common problems or anti-social behaviors occur as the result of boredom and separation anxiety.There are many other responsibilities we share in other areas - family, career, etc.- which take up a great deal of our time and otherwise cut down on the amount of time spent with our PONS. It is for this reason that it is so important to plan things to keep our PONS alert and stimulated mentally to cut down on problems which arise, most notably, from boredom.

Excessive barking, fence running, digging,coprophagia,etc. are some examples that may initially begin as acting out behaviors to overcome boredom. Many of these issues could be solved with just a bit of forethought. If your living area is already constructed, then there are many other ways you can provide for your PONS emotional health by overcoming or avoiding this problem. If you are creative then you can create many things yourself.

The first thing to consider is: where exactly your PON spends most of its time. Owners can provide dog toys as an approach to relieving boredom.

Dog toys provide stimulation and fun and they are the easiest place in which to start. Once owners have made sure they are size appropriate there are a vast range of kinds and types from which to choose.

Large marrow bones, kongs, hard rubber balls(larger than your PON can swallow), and stuffed animals are other options.

Remember, supervision of these dog toys is necessary, especially in the initial stages.

The introduction of fruits or vegetable slices, such as carrots or apple slices, are additional  items your PON doesn’t often receive on a regular basis and also are good and safe supplements if your PON happens to eat them.

Offering a different dog toy each day or week on a rotating basis is one idea to prevent your PON from becoming bored with the first introduced object  and to relieve actual boredom.   Moving the location of water and food dishes are another idea.

If the PONS area will allow, hanging toys are a lot of fun ! If suspended by a spring, they will snap back when the PON turns it loose. If you use a rope to suspend a toy make sure it is single strand. NEVER suspend it low enough that an accident may occur. Remember that you will need to check these additions frequently for signs of wear or needed repair.

Whenever you allow your PONS out , and you have some empty available space (large size is not required) in your fenced yard,  there are a lot of things you may add there as well to appease your PON and reduce boredom.


Obstacle courses can be set up in a minimum of space and with little or no monetary output. Being creative does help though it is not a necessity.

Tires partially buried, upright so that your PON may pass through them, are quite effective and fun once you teach your PON how to successfully navigate them. Even the larger wooden slides, ramps,etc. are very effective in working with your PONS.

Overall, the only limiting factor in overcoming boredom in PONS  is you! Thinking creatively can easily modify your PONS environment so that it is safe, interesting and fun. Freedom from boredom is not only essential for you but for your PONS as well. Mental stimulation is vital for the health and happiness of PONS who are extremely intelligent