Irscha Owca -z- Stajnia (female) is living with Annie Steekers, the owner is Gerda Steekers, Irscha is a daugther of Exquisite Wonder Nourack. On the picture she is just groomed for the show



November, 2006

Frequently Asked Questions about PON'S You've Always Wanted to Know !



Which veggie is an excellent source of fiber as well as rich in vitamins and omegas ?


Green beans ! This veggie agrees with all PONS


 Do PONS enjoy rides on motor scooters ?



Look for a pix of a PON on a motor scooter in this edition  for your answer !


Do you have a natural remedy for coping with allergies ??



Try offering apple cider vinegar and a natural home-cooked diet with lots of veggies.


Do I need to worry about drug reactions with my PON puppy ?


Please consult this month's article on the topic.




PON Facts

Alarm clocks aren't necessary when you have PONS in the house !






"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man." - Mark Twain







