Polish Lowland Sheepdog Information




DraqueBien, Finland


Rocky swimming (Draque Bien Balboa de Bone)




 PON Salmon Treats

1 8 oz. can salmon with juice
1/2 cup chopped parsley
3 eggs, shells included
1/2 cup sesame seeds ground up in coffee grinder
1/2 cup flax seeds ground up in coffee grinder
2-3 cups potato flour (substitute gluten-free flours found in health food stores)

Place the above ingredients into a food processor, and mix thoroughly. Pour potato flour through the opening while the motor is running. When the dough rolls into a ball, it is ready to take out of the processor.

Place this mixture onto a potato floured board. Knead more flour into this and when it is cookie consistency, it is ready to roll out into about 14 inch thick pieces. You can use a pizza cutter to roll out long strips and then cut crosswise to make small squares . If you want to be elegant, you can also use a cookie cutter. Bake on cookie sheets, sprayed with Pam or line the sheet with parchment paper. Usually two whole cookie sheets will suffice. Bake mixture in a 375º F. oven for 20 min. Turn and rotate the cookie sheets and bake about 10 more minutes. You can make them as soft or as hard as you wish. They won't last long in PON homes !