Polish Lowland Sheepdog Information
Stash is CH. Bogdanka King Stanislas Posy'Pirc, CGC, TDI,
HD (CH. Czort
Nerita x CH. Nowinka Kosy Dziechcinek)
Tom and Diane Pirc of Hartford,
Wisconsin, USA are privileged to be his owners.
Alternative Remedies for your PON's Inhalant Allergies
Please consult a holistic vet when considering an
alternative approach to alternative remedies for your PON's inhalant
allergies. Your vet will decide on correct dosage and determine if
there are any contraindications with other medications.
Offer your PONS a variety of foods to reduce susceptibility to allergies which contain vitamin A, such as pumpkin,vitamin C, B12 and E. Also, flaxseed supplements will provide an immune response help. Alfalfa is believed to support the nervous system and to calm the immune system . Consult your vet for the exact dosage.Apple cider vinegar contains many healing properties and is often used to ease the symptoms of inhalant allergies as well as to treat allergies developed from exposure foods, and pollen. In addition to being rich in vitamins E, A, B1, B2 and B6, apple cider vinegar contains potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
Studies have found that
when apple cider vinegar is taken either as a daily tonic or at
the first sign of an allergy (gunky ears,scratching,etc.), an
owner can completely stop their PON's histamine response or
allergic reaction if taken at the onset of symptoms, allergies
will usually disappear between 1 -3 hours after taking the first
dose of Apple Cider Vinegar. If your PON has been experiencing
allergies for a day or more, symptoms will disappear after about
24 hours. If they don't, make sure you continue to offer a
water/vinegar mixture for several days! The wonderful thing
about apple cider vinegar is that it appears to repair the
immune system over time. So while your PON may take it every day
for a month or two to begin with, your PON can taper off it and
then only take as needed. Owners need to consult their vet for
an exact mixture dosage.
Rosehips are a dark red or purple fruit of the rose plant, rose hips are one of the richest plant forms of vitamin C, an agent proven to enhance the human immune system and to ward off illness. Commonly used in herbal teas and often blended with hibiscus, rose hips will support the immune system. Astragalus exhibits anti-viral properties and the herb has long been used in Chinese medicine to prevent and to treat upper respiratory infections. One of the primary benefits of astragalus is its ability to stimulate the immune system by actually increasing the presence of T-cells in the body. It not only fends off invading agents but increases the body's ability to remove toxins. Irish Moss is a red algae that grows on the rocky Atlantic coast of Europe and North America. Studies indicate that it lessens allergic symptoms. Acupressure has been proven to alleviate allergies for both canines and humans. Consult your vet for this alternative option.
sage tea, stinging nettle tea, elderberry tea. Again......consult your vet before offering the mentioned alternative options. Consider doing a thyroid panel to rule out immune issues. Family vets will be able to best advise on this option. Please update us and good luck. |