Gromit PON von Joya, owners Jelena Šmon and Pavel Vodnjov from Slowenia.
List of anaesthetic drugs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nov 30, 2008 ... A wide variety of drugs
are used in modern anaesthetic practice. Many
are rarely used outside of anaesthesia, although others are used
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaesthetic_drugs - 22k - Cached - Similar pages Anesthesia, Analgesia and Sedation
Specific anesthetic drugs and their use are
detailed below. ..... In general, by mixing
anesthetic and analgesic drugs, the
dose required for each ...
www.ahc.umn.edu/rar/anesthesia.html - 95k
Anesthesia In Your
Dog And Cat
Excited pets often require more anesthetic and
may even react differently or badly to anesthetic drugs.
Once the sedative or tranquilizer has taken effect I ...
www.2ndchance.info/anesthesia.htm - 23k