Polish Lowland Sheepdog Information



Flinkbein kennel





Anesthesia Safety Management


 When your PON is scheduled for a tooth cleaning or any other surgical procedure which requires anesthesia, it is of utmost importance that food is withheld at least twelve hours prior to surgery. Not only will this prevent your PON from vomiting and inhaling stomach contents during surgery, but it will also reduce nausea as your PON regains consciousness. This advice is vital for the well being of your PON and needs the co-operation of all family members.

Your family veterinarian should schedule biochemical tests to determine the health of major body organs. These tests should include B.U.N. and creatinine tests to gauge kidney health and ALT,AP, bilirubin and cholesterol to detect liver problems. Glucose analysis and total blood proteins detect diabetes and an EKG may detect heart issues. If problems are detected, modifications in anesthesia will protect the life of your PON. And yes, this does tend to become expensive, but essential for your PON.

 Another important consideration is staffing at local veterinary hospitals. Many do not have around the clock staff to observe your PON after surgery and rather than have your PON spend the night alone, it is better to pick him/her up , shortly before the hospital closes and if there are problems, contact your local emergency, veterinarian.

There have been discussions about the type of anesthesia to use with PONS and experienced owners have advised newbies to discuss this in depth with their family veterinarian. The issue of pain meds will come up during your discussion and all PON owners are strongly advised to inquire about adverse effects and not rush into accepting meds which have a known history of deadly effects on canines. Do your own research and google the name of meds ,as well as the term, "adverse effects". Your PON's life may depend on your research abilities.

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