Infections in the PON
Some dog breeds with hairy inner ear flaps are more
prone to ear infections. Unfortunately, PONS as well as basset
hounds, miniature poodles and schnauzers tend to get ear
infections more frequently.
Symptoms of canine ear infection (according to
online research)
- Dogs with ear infection tend to shake their heads and
- They also will scratch at their ear region. They will
rub the head sides on the ground or on the furniture or any
other objects.
- The ear that is infected will have a bad odor and will
in some situations give out bad smelling liquid which is
either black or yellow.
- The inflammation and the reddish appearance of the ear
canal can be seen in the affected animal.
- The severe infections can show various different signs
when the infection extends from outer ear to the inner ear.
- The ability of the dog to hear can be affected in some
cases leading to deafness.
- If the dog is not able to hear the noises from outside,
it can be said that the dog has some serious infection.
- The infection can affect the nerves in the inner ear
which can result in dizziness in the dog. The dogs that are
dizzy will move in round circles, tilt their heads and get
- The dog ear infections are many types and they differ in
their severity. It is always not good to neglect the
problems of the dogs with their ear infections. But, home
remedies can be utilized only if the infection is mild to
moderate. The severe infection has to be immediately
attended to by the veterinary doctor. This is done to make
the pet to avoid severe pain, ear damage and hearing loss.
Common Causes of ear infection
- Yeasts and bacteria
- Foreign bodies in the ear
- Dogs while swimming can contract infection with the
foreign objects getting into their ear causing infections
- Yeast infection develops more of ear wax that can lead
to ear infection
- The moist climate and the excessive cleaning of the dog
ear can enhance the risk of ear infection
- Hypothyroidism can lead to ear infections in dogs
- The respiratory conditions that are chronic make the
body immunity to weaken
- The dogs having allergies are more prone to ear
- The allergies of the dogs cause the inflammation to
occur and help in the growth of yeast
- Dog allergies can also lead to” chronic otitis”
- The dog breeds which are more prone to infections are
Labrador retrievers, cocker spaniels, west highland
terriers, and schnauzers
- If the dogs possess a specific type of glands or skin in
their ear canal there is more possibility for them to
contract ear infections. The dog breeds which get infections
in this manner are beagles, Labradors, springer spaniels and
basset hounds
- The genetic makeup of some dogs allows development of
more hair in their ears. This hair will block the flow of
air into the ears. The reduced flow of air will lead to the
development of infection
- There are some more breeds which develop the ear
infections frequently which include PONS, Lhasa Apsos, Shih
Tzus, poodles and Pekingese
- The ear infections in dogs are caused by unusual
quantities of bacteria and yeast or existence of foreign
bodies such as pathogenic organisms.
Researched Home remedies for canine ear infection
- Vinegar: The water and vinegar mix is
used for cleaning the ear to some extent deeper. The vinegar
can be apple cider or white vinegar. The deep inner ear must
not be touched as it might hurt the animal. One part of
vinegar can be added to two parts of water and warmed a
little bit. This can be sprayed into the ear or applied
gently with a soft cloth in the ear of the dog. This can be
done for four to five times in a week. This will bring
relief from pain to the dog.
- Vitamin E oil: The vitamin E oil can be
dropped around two to three drops which is known to reduce
the pain and inflammation of the ear infection. After
dropping the oil, it is better to do massaging under the ear
for about ten seconds to bring pain relief.
- Garlic Oil: The ear of the dog can be
applied with two to three drops of garlic oil which is
considered as antibiotic that is available naturally. Oil
stored in garlic capsule is also used. The garlic soaked in
olive oil also can be applied as two to three drops in a
day, till the infection gets away.
- The cloves are soaked all through the
night in olive oil and few drops of that oil are used for
treating the infection in the ear.
- Essential oils: The essential oils that
are of therapeutic grade are known to have antibacterial,
antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory agents. They do
not have any harmful or synthetic substances. They have
specific regeneration capacity for the skin. The fear and
anxiety of dogs can be dealt with very clearly by the
essential oils. These oils are used for shampooing, cleaning
of the teeth and head of the dog to make the dogs relax.
The essential oils that are considered as beneficial for
treating dog ear infection are Melrose essential oil,
purification essential oil, lavender essential oil, tea tree
essential oil, oregano essential oil, clove essential oil, and
rosemary essential oil.
- Warm compression on the ear by dipping the cloth in warm
water and compressing on the dog’s ear will bring relief
from the pain due to ear infection.
- The garlic oil is mixed with mullein oil and five to six
drops of this mixture can be applied into the dog’s ear.
This can be done daily for about ten days to bring relief
from pain and reduce the inflammation and infection.
- The massaging of the outer ear with the mixture of Pau
d’arco and mineral oil is known to destroy the fungus and
bacteria causing the infection.
- Supplying vitamin C regularly to the dog can improve the
health status of the ear and develops immunity in the dog.
Vitamin C is also known to enhance the secretions of the
adrenal gland which battle against the ear infections.
- Herbal Flea powder: A regular and
specialized flea powder is used for giving better results.
The powder that has anti-flea and anti-mites properties has
the ingredients as wormwood, eucalyptus, rosemary and
pennyroyal. If this powder is sprayed on the body of the
dog, the mites will get accumulated on it and this can
prevent them from infecting the ear.
If the yeast infections are repeatedly occurring in the dog’s
ear, a homeopathic remedy may be used. It is prepared by adding
two table spoons of boric acid, four ounces of rubbing alcohol
and one table spoon of glycerin. Few drops of this oil mixture
is applied into the ear of the dog and gently rubbed outside the
ear. This application will not be able to wipe away the current
infection. Once the infection has subsided and this mixture is
added into the ear, the further infections are prevented to