Inherited Diseases
Juvenile Cataracts
The lens of the eye is a soft, transparent structure that
shortens or lengthens to focus light beams on the retina at the back
of the eye in order for the eye’s owner to see objects sharply
whether they are close or far away. The capsule, a sort of sac,
surrounds the lens, and supplies both shape and nutrition to the
lens, which is without blood vessels. Cataracts are a cloudiness or
opacity of the lens or capsule. Often people describe cloudiness in
the eyes of old dogs as cataracts, but this is rarely the case. New
fibers form at the periphery of the lens throughout life, to
compensate the fibers towards the center become increasingly dense
and compact, this is called nuclear or lenticular sclerosis, this is
not a cataract and does not cause blindness. It does give the eye a
grey or silver cast.
Cataracts can affect the whole eye or be localized. In beardies
they are usually found on the anterior surface of the lens (closest
to the front of the eye) at the top or bottom where the muscles
attach to the capsule to change the lens’ shape, and they are
under the capsule. However, other locations have been reported.
While cataracts with genetic causes are programmed at birth, most
cases of juvenile cataracts in beardies are picked up when the dog
is between 2 and 5 years of age. The effect of these cataracts on
the beardie’s vision is usually mild, but bad enough that CERF
recommends that affected dogs not be bred. At this point too little
is known about the genetics of cataracts in beardies to speculate on
the mode of inheritance. In other breeds for which there is more
data, cataracts may be recessive, dominant or dominant with
incomplete penetrance. In some breeds cataracts can progressively
increase in size until the animal is blind, this has not been
reported in beardies, although the degree of visual impairment is
variable. Cataracts can occur that are not of genetic origin, most
common causes are diabetes mellitus; infant/neonate milk replacement
diets; uveitis and altered aqueous humor composition; retinal
degeneration; persistent pupillary membranes; persistent hyaloid
artery through the vitreous; electric shock; radiation; and various
toxins. Some cataracts cause the eye to become inflamed and there
will be excessive tearing and redness of the sclera (white of the
eye). The dog may seem to squint especially in bright light. If left
untreated this could progress to glaucoma or retinal detachment.
If the eye becomes seriously inflamed or the dog is blind,
surgery called phacoemulsification sends ultrasonic shock waves
through the eye to smash the lens. Sometimes a plastic lens is
placed in the eye, but this only really improves near vision and is
rarely helpful. Surgery results in 90-95% restoration of functional
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
The retina at the back of the eye is composed of receptor cells
called rods and cones that respond by emitting nervous impulses when
stimulated by light of different wavelengths. Rods respond in dim
light, whereas the various types of cone respond to red, blue and
green light. Not one but at least 6 distinct inherited forms of PRA
have been described in many breeds of dogs and some mixed breeds.
Ultimately PRA results in blindness. This is not a common disease in
beardies and I am not sure that the type of PRA seen has been
determined. In other breeds there is a test now for the gene
mutation in Irish setters that causes rod cone dysplasia 1 (rcd1),
as well as for a genetic marker for progressive rod cone
degeneration (prcd). Prcd is the most widespread form of PRA and is
found in poodles, cockers (American and English), labs, porties,
Australian cattle dogs as well as many other breeds. Dogs with prcd
form normal retinas, but they start to degenerate when the dog is
about a year old, the dog first becomes night blind and then totally
blind usually between 3 and 5 years of age. Because many dogs will
have been bred before the disease can be detected the DNA test is
particularly important, and can be used to detect both carriers and
affecteds so that even the latter can be bred to clear mates so that
puppies will be carriers but not affected by prcd. Because the test
is for a gene marker rather than the mutation itself, the test may
sometimes result in false positives.
PRA in Irish setters (rcd1) and in Norwegian Elkhounds (rod
dysplasia cone degeneration) is often apparent by the time the dogs
are 6 weeks old, have diminished vision by 12 weeks and are
completely blind by the time they are one or 2 years old.
Because rods typically degenerate before cones the dog will be
seen to stumble and bump into things in dimly lit areas before doing
so in bright light. Their pupils tend to be dilated to catch as much
light as possible. Dogs with PRA have fewer blood vessels on their
retinas. This initial observation is followed up with an
electroretinogram (ERG), which measures the amplitude of electrical
signals given off by the retinal cells. This will be reduced in dogs
with PRA.
In all breeds except the Siberian Husky, in which it seems to be
a sex linked recessive trait, PRA is an autosomal recessive problem,
i.e. an affected gene must be inherited from both parents. Without a
genetic marker it can remain hidden in the breed for a long time
before suddenly cropping up.
Retinal Dysplasia
This is a retinal malformation that occurs when two of the
embryological layers forming the retina fail to attach properly. In
the mild form there will be folding of the inner layer of the
retina, appropriately called "retinal folds". In the more
severe form the layers do not attach at all, and there is complete
or partial retinal detachment. Retinal dysplasia is not progressive,
and can be detected in pups as young as 6 to 8 weeks old, although
with puppies that small and wiggly getting a good view of the retina
can be difficult. In most cases this is the result of a genetic
defect, however, prenatal infection with herpes or parvovirus may
also be causative. In many breeds simple autosomal recessive
inheritance is suspected, in others a single, autosomal dominant
gene causes both retinal dysplasia and skeletal changes. In many
breeds, including beardies, there is insufficient data to speculate
on mode of inheritance.
Retinal folds produce small blind spots that rarely affect
overall vision in dogs, but large areas or complete detachment
result in major visual defects to complete blindness. In breeds like
beardies where the condition is rare, and has not been found to
produce major visual problems dogs with retinal folds may still be
given CERF certificates, but if large areas of detachment exist the
dog will not pass.
Retinal detachment is not necessarily hereditary. It can occur as
a result of trauma (penetrating wounds or foreign bodies to the eye
as well as blunt trauma), surgery to repair cataracts, or even
spontaneously in dogs with mature cataracts or lens luxation.
Various infectious agents (distemper, septicemia, bacteremia,
leptospirosis, brucellosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichia,
Lyme disease, parasitic larval migration, toxoplasmosis,
leishmaniasis, neospora and fungal and algal infections), immune
mediated vasculitis, idiopathic thrombocytopenia, systemic lupus
erythematosus and some toxic substances (griseofulvin - an
antifungal agent, timethoprim-sulfa – an antibiotic, ethylene
glycol – antifreeze poisoning) can all cause retinal detachment
and subsequent blindness.
Persistent pupillary membranes (PPM)
These are a common finding in beardies, although at the last
specialty the ophthalmologist conducting the CERF exams decided that
some of those previously diagnosed in beardies were not PPM but
actually "a normal branched blood vessel in the inner and outer
surface of the iris {the colored part of the eye} which was closer
to the surface than normal and mimicked PPM". Currently PPM
does not prevent a beardie from being given a CERF certificate. PPMs
are remnants of the fetal pupillary membrane that covers the pupil
before birth and provides a blood supply to the lens. In puppies at
birth the pupillary membrane is still present and is gradually
absorbed, normally disappearing by the time the puppy is four or
five weeks old. If you look at the pupils of pups whose eyes have
just opened you may see web like strands of the membrane.
When the strands don’t disappear they form PPMs. These may
cross the pupil from iris to iris, run from the iris to the lens, or
iris to cornea, or attach at one end to the iris with the other
floating free. Strands can be single or forked. Iris to iris PPMs
rarely cause a problem, and may continue to regress with age, but
rarely disappear entirely. Those that attach to the lens’ capsule
though can result in small cataracts, opacities on the lens,
although these are non-progressive and rarely affect vision to any
significant extent. Worse are those attaching to the cornea where
they also produce opacity, but may also cause fluid to accumulate in
the cornea (edema). If there are a lot of strands this can lead to
blindness. As pups age the strands may regress and the blindness
resolve, although the strands don’t disappear completely. Iris to
iris PPMs are classified by CERF as a "breeder option"
problem. Most are small and are probably sporadically occurring
rather than hereditary defects. Breeding these dogs does not produce
puppies with visual impairment. Breeding to unaffected dogs if
possible may still be advisable. This is the current status of PPMs
in beardies. However, there are breeds in which PPM is hereditary,
and has been shown to produce blindness in offspring. Any PPM seen
in these breeds will result in denial of a CERF certificate.
Fortunately beardies aren’t affected by the more serious eyelid
defects, entropion and ectropion, where the eyelid rolls in or out,
respectively. Distichiasis describes the condition in which one or
more eyelashes are directed in towards the eye rather than outwards.
If it is only one or two eyelashes removing the offenders is
sufficient. If there are more, surgery is needed to correct the
defect, which can produce conjunctivitis, and more severe
conjunctival abnormalities if left untreated. Usually in beardies
only a few hairs are involved. If the hair under the eyes is often
stained and you see an abundance of tearing, epiphora, you might
suspect distichiasis or possibly a blocked tear duct. The latter may
require surgical intervention.
Lipid corneal dystrophy
Is caused by the deposition of lipid in the body of the cornea.
It is seen in young adult beardies, although the pattern of
inheritance has not been determined. There is usually no
inflammation or other symptom. Only in cases of extensive
depositions will vision be impaired. Usually there will be a
circular opacity in the center of the cornea that is grey, white or
silver in color. It is probably the result of a localized error in
corneal lipid metabolism, although elevated blood lipid levels can
increase the size of the opacities, which usually occur
symmetrically in both eyes. Usually no treatment is necessary. If
the opacity interferes with vision then the lipid can be surgically
Hypertrophy of the nictitans gland of the third eyelid has
been reported as a hereditary problem in beardies. The third eyelid
comes down over the eye to help protect it, and you can normally
spot it in the corner of the eye. I have never come across this
condition, but presumably it would result in the third eyelid
permanently prolapsing totally or partially over the eye and would
resemble the so-called "cherry eye", where the gland
detaches from the periorbit of the eye.
Non-inherited eye conditions
I’m only going to cover a couple of the more common problems.
Tumors of the eye itself (cancer of the orbit) are usually sarcomas
or adenocanthomas and most are primary and malignant. By the time
they are normally detected prognosis is poor. By contrast tumors of
the eyelid are normally benign.
Red Eye
This is a general term used to describe a number of conditions
that cause swelling and redness of the eyelids, redness of the
conjunctival membranes (which line the eyelid and coat the white of
the eyeball) or even hemorrhage within the eye. It can also have a
number of causes; these include blepharitis (inflammation and
swelling of the eyelids); conjunctivitis (inflammation of the
conjunctival membranes); keratitis (inflammation of the cornea);
inflammation of the sclera; anterior uveitis; glaucoma; disease of
the eyeball; or hyphema (blood in front of the iris). The first
three conditions are superficial and will involve superficial blood
vessels in the conjunctiva that have a lot of branching, deeper
layers have less branching. A discharge containing pus or pus and
mucous also indicates a superficial problem, while a clear, watery
discharge indicates a deep problem.
Blepharitis can be congenital in some breeds in which eyelid
abnormalities are inherited. In beardies causes would include trauma
(especially cat claw marks); allergy (atopy, food, insect bites,
inhalant, contact, drug, staph. hypersensitivity); autoimmune
disease (pemphigus, lupus); bacterial infection (causes a sty like
appearance); fungal, viral or parasitic infection; zinc or fatty
acid deficiency; hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism or diabetes;
neoplastic or a variety of other problems! Clearly the first step is
to find the cause rather than treat the symptom, but a good first
step would be to flush the eye with saline solution, apply a warm
washrag for 5-15 minutes 3 or 4 times a day, and clip the hair
around the eye. Further treatment depends upon the cause, but most
bacterial infections of the eyelid require systemic as well as
topical antibiotics.
Conjunctivitis is usually bacterial, but can also be viral,
immune mediated or neoplastic, the result of trauma or foreign body
irritation or secondary to dry eye or blockage of the tear ducts, a
skin or other ocular disease. If there is a serious discharge the
eye should be cleansed as for blepharitis and then the underlying
cause addressed.
Anterior uveitis is inflammation of the iris and/or the ciliary
body, which attaches the iris to the choroid, the brownish layer
between the sclera and retina. It is a common occurrence and has
many causes including: diabetes, hyperlipidemia (excessive fat in
the blood); elevated blood pressure; neoplasia (especially
melanoma); cataracts; lens trauma or rupture; immune mediated
vasculitis; immune mediated thrombocytopenia; algal, bacterial
(including brucellosis, leptospirosis, Lyme disease or any systemic
infection), viral, fungal or protozoal infection; trauma –
especially blunt penetrating injuries; radiation; or blood clotting
disorder. All cases of anterior uveitis should be rigorously
investigated to discover the underlying cause. Topical +/-subconjunctival
steroid or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated in
severe cases. Other treatment is cause dependent.
Glaucoma is an increase in pressure within the eye as a result of
reduced drainage of aqueous humor; this may be inherited and result
from a narrowed drainage channel or secondary to another eye problem
- lens luxation, anterior uveitis or hyphema. Inherited glaucoma has
not been reported in beardies. It is a painful condition, the cornea
is cloudy, the pupil dilated and there is a sudden loss of vision.
As the disease progresses the eye will start to bulge. While
treating the underlying cause is important, topically applied
timolol reduces the production of aqueous humor; a diuretic may also
be administered. Mannitol may be used to dehydrate the vitreous
humor. In dogs in which anterior uveitis is not the inciting factor
pilocarpine is applied to constrict the pupil and improve flow of
aqueous humor.
Hyphema - blood in the aqueous humor - can result from trauma,
retinal detachment, a tumor of the iris, ciliary body or choroid;
uveitis especially from a rickettsial infection (ehrlichia, RMSF);
blood clotting disorder; immune mediated vasculitis; systemic high
blood pressure – either primary or secondary to kidney disease; or
abnormal parasite migration. Treatment of the causative factor is
Corneal ulcers, degeneration and infiltration
These all cause opacity of the cornea. Ulcers are the result of
erosion of the cornea secondary to inflammation. Ulcers can be
superficial or deep and may be complicated by infection or the
presence of degradative enzymes that can cause "melting"
of the cornea and rapid spreading of the ulcer. In beardies trauma
or foreign bodies in the eye are probably the most likely cause of
ulcers, although dry eye, distichiasis, infection or paralysis of
the eyelid - so that the cornea is not coated with tears and becomes
dry and brittle - are all possible. Ulcers are diagnosed by applying
fluorescein dye, which they retain. Topical antibiotics are usually
applied as well as acetylcysteine to prevent "melting"
ulcers. Therapeutic contact lenses may act as a kind of bandage to
protect the healing cornea. Topical corticosteroids should not be
applied. To repair deep ulcers surgical placement of a flap of
conjunctival tissue may give the best chance of success. The cornea
may be inflamed and yet not retain fluorescein. The cornea may
become stained pinkish white and the eye is often painful causing
tearing, squinting, blinking and rubbing at the eye. Nonulcerative
inflammation of the cornea is probably immune mediated and treatment
is directed at managing the signs rather than at producing a cure.
Corneal degeneration or infiltration by lipid or calcium deposits
is not inherited, and distinct from corneal lipid dystrophy. Lipid
deposits are seen most often in dogs that are hypothyroid. There’s
usually an associated inflammation, blood vessels and pigmentation
also appear. The deposits are grey or white and may be circular,
arced or irregular. The condition may progress to form ulcers and
these should be treated accordingly, as should any underlying
causative condition. A low fat diet may reduce lipid deposition. If
the dog appears painful or its vision is impaired scraping the
cornea or removing the outer layer of the cornea will help resolve
the condition.
The eyes are the windows of the soul. I have barely scraped the
surface in looking at potential problems, and yet as I said at the
beginning our beardies are fortunately not plagued with major
ophthalmic problems, and we should do everything we can to keep it
that way. Which leads to the question that I’m sure everyone
who’s stuck with me thus far is dying to ask. Should we tie back
our beardies’ hair or let it flop over their eyes. Obviously the
answer is … it depends. The original beardies had far less hair
than our heavily coated dogs do now, their hair flopped down and
protected their eyes from trauma as they ran through gorse and
bushes, it kept out dust and mud and too bright sun. Now if our dogs
are bumping into things all the time, or really need to see well, to
avoid bumping the top rail of a jump, tying their hair back is an
advantage. If my beardies are anything to go by, you can tie back
most of the hair, but within a short while wisps will break away and
flop down over the eyes providing enough cover to help shield the
eyes from sticks and dust, but not enough to seriously impede their
vision, and that is probably about the way it should be. I don’t
like trimming the hair away as I think it does make the eyes more
vulnerable, thinning is an option some people take, and if it’s
not a show dog there’s no harm in that, in my opinion.