Polish Lowland Sheepdog - pons - pon the dog
White Star PONS, Florida
Lexi celebrating her birthday with White Star's Oreo - a joyous moment !
Home Remedies for PONS: March, 2009
Improving coat texture There
are many tricks to improve the quality of otherwise soft coats that have
become common. Experts recommend horse products, designed for show
preparation of horse tails and manes. They work miracles....
Tick Repellent 20 drops rose essential oil
20 drops eucalyptus essential oil
Stool Eating (coprophagy) The enzyme papain to the food will also sometimes prevent coprophagy. Owners can do this at home by sprinkling meat tenderizer containing papain on food.
Itchy PONS It is wise discover the source of the itch and treat it together with the advice of your family vet. Inhalant and/or food allergies may contribute to this problem. Keep a daily journal to determine if this takes place on a daily basis or just once in a while. Check on pollen levels in your area. Try applying organic apple cider vinegar to hot spots and add a teaspoon to your PON's drinking water. Alternative advice: Calomine lotion or an over the counter spray or lotion corticosteroid may help to lessen the symptoms. Consult your vet on a regular basis. In many cases, adding vitamins such as vitamin C, Vitamin E, selenium and zinc will help (ask your veterinarian for the correct dose for your PON) .