Owners need to see the situation from their current PON's perspective. He or she might be worried that this new PON is going to be taking over the house, eating all of the food, taking dog toys and affection, much like a young child might feel towards a new sibling. PONS can be very territorial creatures. This is why it is best to introduce the two individual PONS on neutral ground. Have a family member help take the two PONS on a walk through the neighborhood or a close park.
Do not force the PONS to interact with each other immediately. Give them the opportunity to greet each other when they are ready. The PONS will eventually sniff each other in the form of an official greeting. Watch the PON's body language and keep an eye out for any signs of anxiety or aggression. Observe if either PON seems tense, is growling, or showing teeth. Once the PONS have greeted each other, separate them and give each of them a treat. Walk them separately, and then return to allow them interact again. each time offer them a treat. Once the PONS seem to be comfortable with one another, they can be taken them to their home.
When the two PONS are home, try to eliminate any opportunities for rivalries. Feed them in completely separate areas, and have separate toys, beds, and chews for each one. Be sure that the new PON does not have access to the current PON's favorite toys, bed, etc. If owners offer either dog a treat or a toy, only do so when the two PONS are separate. If the PONS show any signs of growling or fighting, separate them until they are calm and then reintroduce them to each other again.
Most important, make the introductory phase as stress and tension free as possible so that the PONS will quickly learn to tolerate and love each other.. They will soon learn to enjoy each other's company and time with family members. When owners observe positive interactions between the PONS, reward them with treats and positive terms. The PONS will then think of each other in a loving manner If after the first few weeks, the two PONS do not seem to be getting along, owners should seek the help of an animal behaviorist. These problems are more easily solved sooner than later. Good luck and please keep us updated !