Polish Lowland Sheepdog - www.pondigest.com
White Star PONS (CH
Winston) owned by Dr.Richard & Debra Roth), Georgia
March, 2011
Frequently Asked Questions about PONS You've Always Wanted to Know !
My PON often vomits when it is windy outside. Why does this happen ?
Please consult your vet for all PON health issues. Strong winds blow pollen from trees and grass which may result in a reaction from your PON if he/she is allergic to certain pollen.
My PON stands in front of me while I watch TV and begs for snacks. What should I do ? If you give in to begging, expect it to continue for years to come. You aren't doing your PON a favor by contributing to extra weight gain.
My PON used to have very black markings, but they have grayed out. Is this normal ? Many PONS have a "fading color gene" and yes, this is very normal.
Why don't we hear more about Rescue operations ? Speak with your national club's officers and discuss this issue with them. You may be in for some surprises. |
PON Facts
Consider acupuncture as an alternative remedy for canine allergies. Avoid overfeeding your PON to help prevent health issues such as heart, diabetes,