Crossmount, Netherlands
Is Your PON
Overweight ?
Similar to humans, carrying
too many pounds may trigger serious health conditions such as heart
problems, joint issues, diabetes, perhaps Cancer, etc. What can PON
lovers do to help prevent potential health risks and maintain a healthy
life style for their PONS ? 2. Plan longer play times.
If you're returning to the life style of proper fitness, be sure to
get your PON involved. When you're stretching before a run or
heading out to the gym, be sure to throw a ball around with your PON.
This will help activate him and release some of the pent-up energy
that arises from being inside most of the winter. Set up a regular
daily routine. 3. Reduce those snacks.
Whether it's table scraps or feeding your PON treats, these little
snacks can add up quickly just like potato chips do for humans
Unfortunately, many of these foods use carb-packed fillers, and they
can add to your PON's waistline very quickly. Make an effort to feed
your PON healthy snacks like carrot sticks, or cooked salmon because
they are packed with nutrients and can help regulate digestion.
loss may take some time; so please do not expect instant results. Check
your PON's weight monthly, and if you do not notice a loss of at least 1
or 2 pounds, you may wish to adjust or consult with your veterinarian
for possible supplements and perhaps thyroid tests. Perceivable weight
loss will most likely take at least six months. Please remember that
every little bit you do as a PON owner extends your PON's life. Good
luck and we hope to hear from visitors with updates. Inquiries are
always warmly welcome.