Ochronny z Gangu Dlugich
Prince charmant, RONNY, nous a quitté cet après midi
Ronny began his show career very young and his first was
when he was 3 months. He was the best puppy of the club match in
He had a wonderful show career:
43 CACIB - 40 BOB
French Champion
International Champion
Luxemburg Champion
At the last Club match in Poland : First excellent in the
honor class
But Ronny was not only a Showdog
He was my best friend, Ronny was my " Booboo
" , never other dog give me all this love and I now never
never I can't return all this love.......
Die Trauer ist immens denn er war
ein wunderbarer Freund, er liebte mich abgöttisch und ich wusste schon
immer dass ich ihn nie die Liebe zurückgeben kann die er mir gab.
The homepage of my " Booboo "