Vacationing with your PON
Taking a vacation with your PON can be fun if some basic
rules are followed. The most popular mode of transportation
is travel by car and most PON thoroughly enjoy long country
drives. A relaxed, well planned car trip can be fun for both
PON and their family since it offers them an opportunity to
view the scenery, travel at their own pace, and enjoy
frequent stops and walks along the way.
These tips will insure a safe, fun road trip for all PONS.:
Make sure your PON is fit and healthy for traveling.
Older PONS in particular, or those who have medical
conditions, should be examined by a vet prior to road trips.
If your PON shouldn't travel, or has motion sickness, find a
responsible and trusted kennel, family member or pet-sitter.
Don't take unnecessary risks which will lead to emergency
veterinary visits.
Take frequent rest stops so that you and your PON can
stretch your legs and take a potty break. PON have been
known to dash out car doors, so be sure he is securely
restrained before opening that door. Also, it's best to have
someone sit close to your PON during road trips.
Keep your PON in the back seat. It's safer for both
you and him, and will help to prevent him from distracting
the family driver or getting in the way, in case the driver
needs to perform some emergency maneuvering or focus on
traffic conditions.
Consider the use of a restraint such as a kennel
or a pet seat-belt. It will offer extra protection in case
of an accident, as well as prevent nervous or excitable PONS
from distracting the driver. This sets a good example for
children in the family as well !
Don't let your PON hang his head out the window.
Flying debris can be kicked up from tires or it can fall off
the car or truck in front of you. Any of this may hit your
pon and can cause injury. Also, small items or flying
insects can cause eye problems and infections to your PON.
Offer water regularly. PONS can become dehydrated, in
the same way that humans can become dehydrated during warm
weather months.. Keep a handy supply of cool water and a
dish in the car. You can even freeze small containers of
water for long road trip.
Bring documentation on rabies and other shots as well as
a health certificate to conform with individual state
Make lodging plans in advance. It can be a challenge
to find hotels/motels that will accept your PON at the last
moment. By booking ahead, you will ensure that both you and
your PON have a safe place to stay.
Adequate planning will increase your vacation fun with
your PON So......have a happy, healthy vacation during
August ! Send us your vacation photos' !