Polish Lowland Sheepdogs - pons - pon the dog
Yeast Infections and your PON
PON owners are often perplexed when they notice yeast symptoms in their PONS and often wonder about the causes of this puzzling condition. Yeast infections may be triggered by a variety of factors such as taking antibiotics, eating too much yeast-intensive foods (kibble with wheat flour), or by an undisclosed imbalance in body chemistry. A Veterinarian will typically swipe a sample from the affected area and can actually see and identify yeast cells under a microscope. There are many new meds on the market for this condition, but many PON owners may wish to supplement with the following remedies:
* Regularly dauble apple cider vinegar on effected areas. Owners can add some garlic to stop their PON'S itchy feeling; and add water to dilute the apple cider vinegar concentration. Adding apple cider vinegar to your PON's drinking water will help decrease the intensity of yeast symptoms.* Plain Yogurt is regarded as one of the best home remedies. Owners can add it to their PON's diet to help with approved veterinary advice. Do not offer yogurt if your PON is lactose intolerant. * Cranberries are often used which apparently works because the berries contain substances that inhibit bacteria from clinging to the walls of your PON'S urinary tract. Cranberries also lower the pH of urine, which may be useful in helping combat yeast infections, since the acidic urine passes over some of your PON's effected areas and it can be used in combination with other remedies. * A mixture of olive leaf extract with grapefruit seed extraction a glass of water is a good curative tonic for this infection. Please consult your vet before offering this mixture. If your PON seems to be prone to yeast infections, consider offering a natural probiotic, such as Kefir (found in health food shops, Kroger's supermarket,etc.) as a good preventive measure. Always consult your family veterinarian for this and other health conditions. Do not rely on shark oil remedies which are found on the internet.