Polish Lowland Sheepdog - PONS - pon the dog





Priscilla - White Star Pons, Florida




Pain Symptoms in PONS



PONS who are experiencing pain will likely draw your attention to their dormant suffering by giving you clues as to the source of  their discomfort  For example, a PON with abdominal pain will persistently glance toward his tummy, bite or lick the area, and will not want to leave his resting area. A PON may stand hunched over,"flop" or get down on it’s forelegs with the hind legs still standing, because of pain in the abdomen area.

PONS can not tell you that they are feeling pain or cry but but may vocalize their pain in a different way. A dog that is hurt suddenly (such as being stepped on) will cry out or wimper in pain. This also happens when an external injury or internal injury (such as an organ) is touched. Whining or vocalization that is unprovoked may be caused from an internal injury as well. Some breeds have a higher pain threshold and need to be watched more closely for signs of pain. Breeds with a high pain tolerance are more likely to endure the pain without vocalization. Some may widely open their mouths without making any sort of sound.

 A change in temperament is another indication of pain. A dog that is in pain may show signs of aggression. Please take note of this before concluding that your PON has become vicious and let your veterinarian know so that the correct treatment can be prescribed. Further, females going into heat may have days when they are just in a bad mood for no obvious reason. Take note of days of times that these mood swings occur as well as any events that might have triggered them.

These conditions may trigger pain:

•Ears: discharge,  odor, scratching,  twitching or shaking.

•Eyes: redness, swelling or discharge.

•Nose: runny, thickened or colored discharge

•Coughing, sneezing, vomiting or gagging.

•Shortness of breath, irregular breathing or prolonged/heavy panting

•Evidence of parasites in the dog’s stool, strange color, blood in the stool, or lack of a bowel movement (constipation)

•Loss of appetite or not drinking as much water as normally would.

* Arthritis: joint issues, inflammation

There are more symptoms, but these are just some major signs to watch out for as pain triggers. Please seek the help of a veterinarian and when considering pain medications, consult PON Digest's PON Health reports section listed on the front page of this site. PON owners should consider asking their vets to test for the mutant DMR1 gene in order to prevent tragedies. Owners need to protect their PONS by staying updated on the latest medical advances and by doing their own independent research. Being a dedicated PON owner means more than grooming and offering an upscale diet. It means being an independent thinker.






