Polish Lowland Sheepdog - pons - pon, the dog
Sudee's Arthur during a snow storm in USA
Arthur and Paw Licking by
Sudee Jacquot
81/2 yr old Arthur has been a paw licker for several years. After several
of vet visits and money, we found a solution that works well for us. We
have never had to give oral medicine although many have been recommended.
The consensus is that the licking starts because of irritation. First time
was a splinter and other times have been fox tails etc. but mostly seems
to start as environmental allergy that gets worse by licking and ends up
as a fungus infection similar to athletes foot or Candida infection like
in baby diaper rash. The
major importance is to catch it quickly and to keep his feet dry.. I
try to keep his feet and toe nails trimmed and always dry his feet with a
towel when entering the house during wet weather. I have several pair on
toddler cotton socks and cheap doggy boots for him that I buy over the
internet. As soon as he starts licking, I slather an over the counter
antifungal on to his paw and rub it in well. Antifungal powder and spray
also work but Arthur prefers ointment. I like Lotrimun the best but
they all work. Then I put a sock on the affected paw and cover it with the
bootie which has velcro. Often then he will start licking another so it
then gets same treatment. If
I am in the City and it is dry weather, I often leave the sock and boot on
for a couple days as long as it stays dry. In wet and snowy weather, I
take the sock and boots off for outside and replace when inside. Sometimes
I just use system at night. When Arthur plays in the snow, he always wears
socks and boots because his feet get so irritated with snow balls. This
sounds like a lot of work and it is but often he goes for months without
problems. Make sure the socks are cotton and wash in hot
water between wears. If his paw(s) is really irritated I will add 1%
cortisone for the itching but I prefer not to do this as cortisone
prolongs healing time. I’ve also tried tea tree oil but it doesn’t
work as well. Yes, in the beginning Arthur worked full time to take the
boots off and he eventually won but doesn’t even try anymore.