Polish Lowland Sheepdog - pons - pon the dog
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Kennel Moonlake's, Sweden - White Star Pons, USA - Le Clan Mikero, France
PON Genealogy: Doubts about a PON's genetics ??
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Questions of "reasonable doubt" may arise when a 'shaggy Pon-style' dog is located in a shelter. One hates to play God because of the consequences of a decision which may mean life or death for a dog in trouble. Fortunately, the following tests have become available on a limited basis:
Heritage Breed Test, released in March 2007 by a life science
company called MetaMorphix, is available to the public for around $75.
According to their website, dog owners simply request a kit and then
use the brush-tipped swab provided to collect DNA from the epithelial
cells inside their dog’s cheek. The kit is mailed back and, in four
to six weeks, results are returned in the form of a frame quality
Certificate of DNA Breed Analysis. One drawback of the test is that it
can certify only 38 of the most common breeds. If your dog’s
composition does not fall within those outlined breeds, the test may
show breeds from earlier in your dog’s ancestry. MetaMorphix plans
to release an advanced version of the Canine Heritage Breed Test in
the fall of 2007. It will detect 116 breeds and likely carry a higher
price tag.
The Wisdom Panel™ MX Mixed Breed Analysis Test is scheduled for release in September 2007 by Mars Veterinary. According to their website, the test can detect over 130 AKC recognized breeds with 98% accuracy. It will be available through veterinarians only and requires a blood sample which can be taken during a routine visit. Pricing is determined by the veterinarian and expected be over a hundred dollars. National breed clubs are urged to submit DNA samples to these organizations which can be used in life and death rescue situations. ~*~*~*~* We are including two general books on canine genetics for owners who wish to remain updated on the latest developments:
Introduction to Veterinary Genetics [ILLUSTRATED]
by F. W. Nicholas (Author) "When a culture of rapidly dividing white blood cells is treated with the alkaloid colchicine (which halts cell division), and the cells are then stained..." (more)
Book Description
An understanding of veterinary genetics is crucial to the evaluation and control of diseases and disorders in animals. Fully revised and updated, this second edition not only contains sections on basic genetics, cytogenetics, immunogentics, population genetics and quantitative genetics, but also covers, in greater depth than the previous edition, molecular biology, biotechnology, gene mapping and the use of molecular tools to research inherited disorders.Accessible and clearly presented, this new edition includes:Basic, step-by-step explanations.Detailed descriptions of how veterinary genetics can be applied to artificial selection in animal production.New information on the control of inherited disorders and the conservation of genetic diversity in both domesticated and wild animal species.Introduction to Veterinary Genetics is still the only introductory genetics textbook for students of veterinary and animal science and will continue to be an indispensable reference tool for veterinary students and practitioners alike. Book Info (Blackwell Publishing) Univ. of Sydney, Australia. Introductory genetics textbook for veterinary students. Includes expanded material on molecular biology, biotechnology, gene mapping, and the use of molecular tools to research inherited disorders. Includes new information on the control of inherited disorders and the conservation of genetic diversity.
Genetics: An Introduction for Dog Breeders
by Jackie Isabell (Author) "When Charles Darwin's name is mentioned, the first word that comes to mind is evolution-the change in a popuIation's genetic composition over time..." (more)
Book Description
A comprehensive yet easy-to-understand guide covering: the nature of heredity, evolutionary and behavioral genetics, the application of genetics to specific breeds, the art of breed selection, breeding for coat color and type, improving structural traits, how to control genetic disorders, evaluating the results, current genetic research, terminology, and a catalog of known congenital and hereditary disorders by breed. From the Publisher Whether you are currently breeding pure bred dogs or are planning your first mating, you will find Genetics: An Introduction for Dog Breeders truly an invaluable addition to your library. The dog breeder who understands genetics has a better chance of consistently producing sound, healthy puppies with desired breed temperament and aptitude and with fewer undesired genetic traits. An awareness of the intricate patterns of heredity is the only way to begin to realize why traits don’t always fall into predictable dominant-recessive patterns. Yet, many breeders find understanding and applying these principles too challenging to attempt. From the Author Isabell wrote this book to introduce breeders to basic practical genetics in the hope that it will help them produce sounder, healthier dogs with better temperament and breed characteristics. If that is the goal of your breeding program, or if you are just starting out in breeding, you need this book! Excerpted from Genetics: An Introduction for Dog Breeders by Jackie Isabell. Copyright Nature or nurture which determines behavior? The answer is neither one alone. No instinct is completely determined by heredity; no social, cultural, or learned behavior is purely environmental. Behavior always develops through the interaction of both hereditary and environmental factors. Behavioral genetics is the study of organisms by means of both genetic and behavioral analysis; it is an interface between the two sciences. Like other hereditary traits, behavior is a phenotype that can be observed and measured. Unlike physical traits, behavioral phenotype influences the entire organism, making it the most dynamic of all hereditary traits as well as the most responsive to environmental changes. HOW DO GENES AFFECT BEHAVIOR? The precise way in which genes affect behavior is not yet clear, but knowledge is growing by leaps and bounds. What is known so far is tantalizing. EFFECT ON STRUCTURAL TRAITS