Polish Lowland Sheepdog - pons - pon the dog



(PON von Regensdorf , Switzerland) new puppies having fun !




Winterizing Your PON





Winterizing a PON may seem superfluous for many people who believe this robust sheepdog with roots in Tibet, is cold adapted. They tend to do well during cold weather months in Europe and the USA, but may experience health issues if certain basic health precautions are not observed by their owners.

PON paws require a great deal of attention during cold weather months and most especially in snow conditions. Local authorities often use chemicals and salt  to de-ice roads which may cause irritated and sore paw pads.  Owners need to inspect, wash and dry their PON's paws thoroughly after walks  to prevent infection and even accidental poisoning. Some PONS may lick irritated  paws and immediate cleaning is essential  to prevent PONS from licking off commercial chemicals from  paws. If chemicals are extensively used in your area, you may wish to have your PON wear booties. 

Snow may also conceal hidden hazards such as glass, sticks and various types of stickers. Check your PONs pads for and other signs of injury. make sure your pup's nails are kept short and tidy. Be sure to trim fur growing between the toes and on the bottom of the foot. If left untrimmed, this fur can collect snow  which are painful  and  difficult  to remove. A thin coat of petroleum jelly will help PON paws which are sore or irritated.

Antifreeze, which is a deadly poison, tastes good to dogs and you need to watch for antifreeze puddles in your garage or parking area. If you notice such a puddle, flush it with water immediately. If you suspect your PON has swallowed antifreeze, rush him to your veterinarian immediately.

Never shave your PON down to the skin in winter, and deal with mats on a daily basis if necessary.  When you bathe your PON during cold weather months, make sure to completely dry him before taking him out for a walk.

Remember that puppies and Senior PONS are more sensitive to cold weather than adult dogs and should be taken out only briefly for potty trips. You might even consider a light coat for them in severe weather conditions.

Severe weather conditions may result in a loss of scent and so be sure that your PON always wears ID tags when going outdoors. According to statistics, more dogs are lost during winter than at any other time of the year.


Many PONS remain indoors more often during  cold weather months and consequently don't burn as many calories. Consider reducing your PON's food intake to avoid excessive weight gain which may lead to health issues. Please send us your favorite PON winter photos' !








