dramatic reactions may result in fever, stiffness, abdominal
tenderness, increased susceptibility to infection, encephalitis,
neurological signs, uveitis, autoimmune disease - most often AIHA
and/or ITP - and the signs associated with them. Liver and kidney
enzyme levels may be elevated, and either organ may collapse. Bone
marrow suppression may occur as well. Transient seizures are seen
quite often especially in animals prone to thyroiditis or AIHA or
ITP. A postvaccination polyneuropathy has been associated with
distemper, parvovirus and rabies vaccines among others. This may
result in muscle atrophy, reduced neuronal control of organs and
tissues, muscle excitation, incoordination or weakness and seizures.
of vaccines has indicated a need for greater quality control during
vaccine production. Most notably a canine distemper vaccine was
contaminated with sheep blue-tongue virus and led to abortion and
death in pregnant bitches. Potent adjuvants are commonly added to
killed vaccines to produce a more sustained and stronger immune
response. These adjuvants have also produced adverse effects, the
worst probably resulting from those added to a killed leptospirosis
vaccine which has since been withdrawn from the market. The presence
of adjuvants calls into question the supposition that killed
vaccines are safer than modified-live vaccines. The latter make up
the majority of products available currently. They are easier and
cheaper to produce, and elicit a longer and more complete antibody
response than killed vaccines. Mixing combinations of MLV products
with killed bacterins added in the diluent (common in some
multivalent vaccines) appears to particularly stress susceptible
individuals. MLV vaccines continue to replicate in the host after
injection, and trigger a much stronger response, particularly if
given in combination with other vaccines. In most cases this may
produce a better immune response but in stressed, immature or sick
animals who are genetically susceptible the results can be
disasterous. Puppies with their immature immune systems are
particularly vulnerable, and should not receive vaccines closer than
3 weeks apart (3 to 4 weeks seems optimal). There is some evidence
that over vaccinating puppies (some vets advocate weekly
vaccination) can make them more susceptible to chronic debilitating
diseases as adults. Dogs with atopic allergies tend to have a
worsening of signs after vaccination, and it is better to vaccinate
them when their seasonal allergies are not active.
is a concern. This may manifest not only as vaccinating more
frequently than is necessary, but in giving vaccines which are
ineffective or prevent infection by agents which produce a mild
disease which may not be noticed. Leptospirosis vaccines have
provided short lived (3-6 month) protection against serovars which
dogs are not presenting with clinically. A new vaccine was promised
to combat varieties which dogs are now getting, but I have not heard
any more about it recently, and doubt its long term efficacy. Not
only has the leptospirosis vaccine been implicated in numerous
vaccinosis reactions, but both owners and veterinarians may overlook
a diagnosis of the disease in the mistaken belief the dog is immune
to it as a result of vaccination. Vaccination against Lyme disease
frequently results in positive Lyme titers if the dog is suspected
of having the disease. Most Lyme vaccines have limited efficacy.
Corona virus does not cause illness in adult dogs and generally only
mild disease in puppies. A new vaccine against rotavirus has been
introduced although there has been no evidence that it causes
disease except perhaps in newborns. Canine hepatitis seems to have
been eradicated, yet dogs still routinely receive the vaccine. The
adminstration of each vaccine introduces more foreign substances
into the dog’s body with the potential for causing adverse
reactions. Meanwhile the owners are having to pay for this. Studies
have also shown that immunity induced by giving a puppy series of
shots is generally protective for far more than a year, sometimes
being effective for life.
sick dog should never be vaccinated until it is well and
recouperated. Vaccination can wait, with the possible exception of
the rabies vaccine which some states require be given to the day to
consider a dog legally vaccinated (for this reason it may be wise to
plan to give a three year shot a month or so early in case the dog
is ill when the shot is due). MLV vaccines are shed in the feces for
several days after vaccination, and recently vaccinated dogs should
be exercised in separate areas from immunocompromised or sick dogs,
puppies and pregnant/lactating bitches. Hormonal changes can trigger
autoimmune disease, and for this reason it is wise to avoid giving
vaccinations before (30 days before expected onset) during or
immediately after a bitch’s estrus (heat) period. (It has been
shown that giving MLV vaccines to heiffers in estrus induces
necrotic changes in their ovaries.) Pregnant and lactating bitches
should also not be vaccinated. It can affect their puppies as well
as the bitch herself. When should a puppy receive its first
vaccination? In North Ameica we usually initiate puppy shots at 6
weeks, in Britain the first shot is not given until the puppy is 10
weeks old and in its new home. Certainly I do not believe puppies
should be vaccinated at less than 6 weeks of age, although puppies
which did not receive colostrum might represent a special case.
Maternal immunity transferred to the puppy in the colostrum has a
varaible duration, but in general the puppy will respond optimally
to the vaccine only when it is 12 weeks old or more. Breed and
individual variation within breed can have a significant effect,
however. Most dogs have mature immune systems by 22 weeks of age.
general, all dogs no matter their age or size receive the same dose
of vaccine. This makes sense for MLV viruses, but not for killed
vaccines. Dose size is based on the minimal immunizing dose for the
giant breed and optimal dose has rarely been examined. In humans,
attempts to overcome maternal antibodies to measles by giving
greater vaccine titers tragically led to high levels of infant
mortality, not from measles but from other infectious diseases.
breeds of dogs or lines within a breed, or those with double dilute
factors may be at such high risk of adverse vaccine reactions that
their owners will choose not to vaccinate them. Studies have shown
that exposure to shedding dogs, particularly if the unvaccinated
individual is a show dog, tends to produce some level of immunity
against the illnesses for which the majority of dogs receive
vaccination. For dogs which have had previous reactions to vaccines,
those whose owners do not wish to risk over vaccination for diseases
against which their dog already has adequate protection one
alternative is to take titers (commonly available only for distemper
and parvovirus) every 2 or 3 years and only vaccinate if titers drop
below protective levels. They and owners of geriatric dogs ot those
with chronic illness may also consider the use of homeopathic
nosodes. These are made from an isolate of the particular disease
agent. This is prepared as a tincture which then undergoes serial
dilutions (potentiation) and succussions (shaking to add kinetic
energy). The nosode retains only the energy of the starting isolate
and cannot produce infection. While illegal for protection against
rabies, nosodes are available for most of the diseases against which
there are vaccinations including Lyme disease and kennel cough, as
well as heartworm disease. Properly designed controlled studies have
not been performed to compare the efficacy of nosodes against
allopathic vaccines. A preliminary clinical trial of a nosode for
parvovirus failed to protect against challenge from naturally
occurring disease. At this point they can only be considered an
experimental therapy.
manufacturers are being spurred to activity which is perhaps the
best result of the vaccine controversy which is being waged in both
the veterinary and pet owning communities. In future we can expect
to have killed vaccines in doses appropraite for different sizes,
breeds and ages of dogs. Recombinant vaccines may also be developed
although early experiments have produced unexpected and unacceptable
side-effects. Safer, new adjuvants which boost and prolong the
effect of killed vaccines can also be expected. So can more research
into the length of efficacy of vaccines.
the meantime, I would recommend asking whether the vaccine you plan
to give is needed - is this a disease the dog has any chance of
being exposed to, does it cause significant illness in dogs of this
age? Is this vaccine effective? If the answer to each is yes, then
you may wish to determine whether the dog is still effectively
protected against this disease by previous vaccinations (i.e. have
blood titers done). If the dog is healthy, not stressed (I would
plan to give shots at least 2 to 3 weeks before a trip for example,
or avoid them if the whole of your local club will be coming over on
the weekend), and has a determined need for the vaccine, go ahead.
Watch the dog for at least an hour after the shot. Try to separate
shots, especially MLV from killed, by at least 3 weeks. Make sure
your dog has regular check-ups, including base-line blood work
annually until he’s 10 and then increase the frequency to every 6
months. Even if he seems healthy there may be something you are
missing. Do not start puppy shots before 6 weeks of age, and space
them every 3 to 4 weeks. Do not worm and vaccinate together,
preferably 2 to 3 weeks apart.
© 1999 [ Linda Aronson DVM]. All rights