Polish Lowland Sheepdog, PON breeders, PON the dog, PONS




The Polish Lowland Sheepdog (PON) is a robust sheepdog with roots in Tibet. In fact, it is said that the heavy fur which covers the eyes of this sheepdog is a natural adaptation to the glaring sunlight of the region.  Nomadic tribes traveled with the ancestors of Polish Lowland Sheepdogs during their migration to European countries and the breed became established among the local population. Polish Lowland Sheepdogs developed a reputation for hard work, loyalty and strong herding instincts.  The breed's herding instincts have survived for centuries and even today, they still need a job and will attempt to herd their human families in the absence of sheep. Polish Lowland Sheepdog (PON) lovers will appreciate reading the PON Digest online publication to learn more about this beloved breed.PON Digest is a reliable information guide for those wishing to raise PON puppies and is a Polish Lowland Information guide.












June, 2011


  Monthly publication for Polish Lowland Sheepdog lovers





Dedicated to the well being of our beloved Polish Lowland Sheepdogs







A warm welcome to international PON Lovers !





Youtube video featuring PON Puppies !


Untenstehender link ein 2 1/2 Wochen alter Welpe am üben, bellen knurren und laufen!



A big thank you to Beatrice Brack,  PON von Regensdorf, Switzerland for sending this video to the PON International community.





Feeding 8 Puppies: DraqueBien B-litter, summer, 2010 (Ilona's puppies)






Diarrhea by Linda Aronson,DVM


 Home Made Food





PONS reacting to sounds



"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves
  himself." -- Josh Billings



"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves
  himself." -- Josh Billings


















Polish Lowland Sheepdog breeders/PON Breeders



International Recipes

Finnish Recipes



June FAQ about PONS You've always wanted to know and were afraid to ask!


Polish Lowland Sheepdog Club of America










Welcome to the AKC Specialty Club Florida PON Fanciers!


The Central Florida Polish Lowland Sheepdog Fanciers Club will be holding a PON Specialty in Orlando, Florida on Thursday, June 23rd, 2011 at the Central Florida Fairgrounds. (Colonial Drive/SR 50 - Orlando) The closing date is Wednesday June 8th, 2011. For information or questions please contact me and I will be glad to assist.

 We will not be holding our November Specialty as to prevent any conflict with the APONC National Specialty and suggest all sign up for the National.  We will still be holding our PON Picnic/Party at Panther Bend the weekend of the Brooksville, Florida shows. We look forward to seeing everyone at the Eukanuba National Championships in Orlando in December.

All the best. Bill
Florida Club site: http://www.floridaponfanciers.org.
The Club run by PONs for PONs...


 (Please click on above link for complete listings of results)

DFS Crufts 2011 Results

B R E E D   &   C L A S S   R E S U L T S


Polish Lowland Sheepdog/ h1


Judge(s): MR S HALL




Monday, February 14 th !!!!



Video - Westminster Kennel Club breed judging -2011






BIS, BISS Ch White Star's It's A Sirius Family Affair "Brady" has done it all, as of this morning.  He won Best of Breed at Eukanuba in December, won Best in Show, won the National Specialty, and now, Westminster.  Congratulations to Brady's owners, Vu Nguyen and Greg Dotzman, and to Martin Cabral and Beverly Wilson for grooming him and showing him to perfection, and to all of you for supporting us and loving him so much.  A very special thank you to Julane White, who picked him out five minutes after he was born.  We know you're watching him from above.



PON Grande Raffle Items


We want to wish everyone attending the Specialty in Ohio, very safe travels, and a great time.  We're sorry but we're unable to attend this year.
On your way back home please think about taking a detour to Florida to join us for the Ocala Shows, November 18-21st and our PON Parties November 19th & 20th.  All pertinent information can be found by clicking on the link below.  Also, don't forget the Central Florida PON Fanciers Specialty in Brooksville, FL on November 12th.
Please take a moment to look at these gorgeous PON Grande Raffle Items that will be raffled on November 20, 2010, at the Greater Ocala Dog Club Show (Whelping Box) and at our home that evening (all the rest of the items).  Winners need not be present.
Thanks,  Merrilee and Jeff
Home of World, International, Australian, Canadian, and American Champions and Grand Champions..
BIS, BISS, Multi-Breed winners at Westminster and Eukanuba...Multi-Group Placements
Bred with Thought, Raised With Love, Shown With Pride
....Olivia always in our hearts





Intl.Ch. IABCA Ch. AKC Ch. Bogdanka King Stanislas Posy O'Pirc CGC TDI HD


Intl. Ch. IABCA Ch. Priemer's Paczki Posy O'Pirc        "PACZKI"

owned by Diane and Tom Pirc, Wisconsin

 The International All-Breed Canine Association of America

(IABCA) began approximately seventeen years ago with the intent of
making an International "UCI" Championship Title available to the
American public without exposing the dogs to the danger and
inconvenience of  international travel.  To accomplish this an
association was formed with an International Association of dog clubs
headquartered in Germany, the Union Cynologie International (UCI).  The
UCI has been in existence for over thirty years.  There are many
countries throughout Europe, North America and the Far East represented
in the association.  Through UCI  International Titles are awarded to
dogs who meet the stringent requirements of their specific breed
standard in  their country of origin.

IABCA shows are held in accordance with the German regulations and
guidelines that have been established by UCI.  The guidelines provide
for a WRITTEN CRITIQUE OF EACH DOG ENTERED and a rating number of how
well a dog conforms to the International "UCI" breed standard.  The
rating a dog receives, based on the critique, will determine the type of
championship certificate awarded.

On the weekend of May 15th and 16th  2010,  in Hutchinson Minnesota, 
Stash and Paczki each earned their International Ch. Titles and their
IABCA  Ch.Titles under the very capable handling of Tom Pirc, my husband.

Diane Pirc
Hartford Wisconsin






Closing date for the upcoming specialty is June show is June 2, 2010.

Superintendent: (SHOW SECRETARY) Susan Gordon 9122 Trevarthon Rd Orlando FL 32817-2606
(407) 657-0733
AKC Event #: 2010638901
Show Date:Thursday 06/24/10
Closing Date:Wednesday 06/02/10
Entry Fee: $25.00 Show Location:
Central Florida Fairgrounds
4603 W Colonial Drive Orlando, FL



PON Times

A very classy PON Magazine, that is sent out quarterly,is called PON Times.  Once you've seen one, and read it, you will look forward to the next issue, and find a place to display it on a coffee table.  It is that nice!  Please go to www.pontimes.com where you can read about it, and subscribe to it on line.  It is very inexpensive, and you will treasure each and every issue.  Teena Murray puts her heart and soul into the publication of this magazine (all volunteer I might add.)  If you don't already subscribe, please do yourself a favor, and subscribe today.  If you already enjoy both of these venues, please continue to send in photos and articles.



The Central Florida Polish Lowland Sheepdog Fanciers Club



The Central Florida Polish Lowland Sheepdog Fanciers Club is proud to announce that we are now the only AKC full status regional club in the US with the position of holding Championship awarding points shows.  We are AKC club number 6389...

We are presently working on a regional specialty to be held in connection with the Brooksville, Florida show in November.  We invite all PON owners to come and join us for this event and join us at Panther Bend for a PON party and picnic that weekend.

The Florida club holds fun events for PON owners and there is not a requirement that you be a member of the club to attend - just own a PON. We hold them at our 38 acre site on the Withlacoochee River near Brooksville known as "Panther Bend" at Running PON Lane - it used to be an Indian Village and is a great place for fun gatherings. We hold fun matches to introduce owners to the art of showing and just to have fun along with cookouts and event to share PON stories where the laughing will not disturb the neighbors. We are planning a herding event and have an agility course setup for those with the courage to try or enough drinks under their belt to be brave and not notice the others laughing.

Go our club site at www.floridaponfanciers.org for further information.  All are welcome - come join us anytime.


Turn on your GPS and click - Florida --- then click - Dade City --- then click - Running PON Lane --- then click - go to.

All the best.

Bill Gilchrist
Those who blindly follow are usually blindly led.

Web site: http://www.premierpons.com

Florida Club site: http://www.floridaponfanciers.org.
The Club run by PONs for PONs...






Introducing Amy from Eukanuba. BOS and Best Bred By. She was also BOS at the National in Memphis.Only shown twice in 2008. CH Bogdanka's Amazing Amalia (CH Czort Nerita X CH Nowinka Kosy Dzeichcinek)
Owned and Bred by Norm Bogdanow, Martin Cabral & Beverly Wilson







AKC/Eukanuba National Championship

Results Displayed for the December 2008 Show Held in Long Beach, CA

Polish Lowland Sheepdog






Central Florida Polish Lowland Sheepdog Fanciers Club

The Central Florida Polish Lowland Sheepdog Fanciers Club has received approval from the AKC to hold licensed championship point events.  This is a goal we have worked years to achieve and I want to thank each and every member for their assistance in reaching this goal.  We are the only AKC approved Regional Club in the US and you should be proud of your accomplishment.


This PON picnic to celebrate will be one of many yet to come.  We had 26 humans and 21 PONs attend along with a few honorary PONs for the day and there was not a cross bark anywhere - everyone had a good time and of course the PONs complained that they could not have any of the BBQ but did get their share of treats.


We are presently working on future programs for our PONs and announcements will be made as time nears for the functions. Congratulations to all and many thanks for your support.


Bill Gilchrist


The club run by PONs for PONs.







   BIS AND BISS Champion White Star's It's A Sirius Family Affair  "BRADY MAN"

Brady is the only American Bred PON to win an ALL BREED BEST IN SHOW AND THE NATIONAL SPECIALTY.
HE IS THE #1 RANKED PON IN BREED POINTS (AKC statistics through October 31, 2008)
HE IS THE #2 RANKED PON IN ALL BREED (AKC statistics through October 31st, 2008)
and, he's only 2 years old.
Brady's great conformation and temperament comes from a wonderful combination of American Bred and Polish Bred PONs...perhaps the "best of the best."
On Brady's Mom's side:
    Mother:           Ch White Star's Sweet Little Liza Jane (Ch Zhiggins Goral White Star Z Banciarni and Ch White Star's Tao of Pooh)
    Grandmother: Ch White Star's Tao Of Pooh (Winnie) (World Ch '97 Elzbieta's White Zinfandel (Olivia) and World Ch '99 Polish Hills Batman The Caped Crusader)
Great Grandmother: World Ch '97 Elzbieta's White Zinfandel (Olivia) (Marney Z Elzbieta and Elzbieta's Mufinski)
On Brady's Father's side:  Ch White Star's Paddington Bear (World Ch' 97 Elzbieta's White Zinfandel and Ch Romans Kosy Z Gangu Dlugich)
Grandfather: Ch Romans Kosy Z Gangu Dlugich (Ch Furman Konkury and Ch Ulana Z Gangu Dlugich)
Great Grandfather: Ch Furman Konkury ( Ch Amal Z Banciarni and Alka Konkury)
Brady was bred by Merrilee and Jeff Cirtwell, and was co-owned with their best friend, Julane White, until earlier this year, when Julane became terminally ill and passed away October 1, 2008.  Brady is now owned by Norman Bogdanow, who also owns the very famous Ch Nowinka Kosy Dziechcinek.  Brady is lovingly handled by Martin Cabral and Beverly Wilson.
**The Team of White Star PONs and Bogdanka PONs wish to dedicate all of Brady's Special Achievements, in loving memory of Julane White, who passed away October 1, 2008, never getting to see her dream of winning a National Specialty and Best In Show, with her beloved Brady, come true.  We know she will always be with us in spirit.



National Specialty Winner, Group 1 and Best In Show on Saturday October 11,2008


Greg Smith, PPA Certified, Master Photographic Craftsman, Arnold, MO 63010


The results of the Florida PON Club A-Match held in Lakeland Florida on June 6th, 2008 are:


6-9 month puppy dog.

Premier's Mico Kasi

owned by:  Daniel & Patricia Gallagher


6-9 month puppy bitch

Premier's Ksiezna Mandy

Owned by: Paul & Joanne Prizmonte


Open bitches:

Premier's Niski Lucja Gdansk

Owned by: DorisAnn Waryga & Jamie Diamond (junior handler)


Best in Match:

Premier's Niski Lucja Gdansk

Owned by: DorisAnn Waryga & Jamie Diamond

Note: Photos' uploaded on the July issue of PON Digest





Results and photos' from the French championship








Photo session with French PONS at the Dog show : Chartres Meute, France





Ch Nowinka Kosy Dziechcinek, "Winkie",
received her 100th Group Placement in Salt Lake City, Utah. Winkie is owned by Norman and Susan Bogdanow.






The Central Florida Polish Lowland Sheepdog Fanciers' Club


The Central Florida Polish Lowland Sheepdog Fanciers' Club is pleased to announce AKC approval for our A-Mach to be held in Lakeland, Florida on June 6th, 2008. The match will begin at 11:00 AM and a mailing for registration is on the way - anyone wishing to sign up and not receiving a mailing please contact: Elaine Newnham or myself and you will be sent a premium list immediately.  Hope to see everyone there for a day of fun. 

Bill Gilchrist

Tel. 954.829.5632







Polish PON Club Show

April 13, 2008








Best Finnish PONS, 2007




World Dog Show, Stockholm, Sweden

July 4, 2008




European Dog Show, Budapest, Hungary

October 3, 2008








Crufts 2008 Results

B R E E D   &   C L A S S   R E S U L T S


Click here: Crufts 2008 Results |



Judge(s): Mrs E Georgion




Westminster Kennel Club Video - February 11, 2008


Click here: POLISH LOWLAND SHEEPDOG > Videos > Westminster Kennel Club



Nizinny Z Mazurow

Buzia ( z Gangu Dlugich )

Winner of the Paris Dog Show. She is only 19 months but has 12 BOB!

She has won all shows since she is in adult class !




I want to inform you about a new Database for the Polski Owczarek Nizinny
with at the moment 21.992 PON's including a lot of pictures.
(Japan, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, USA,
Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland, France, Austria ..)
The program I'm using is Pedserve.
Hope this program will be useful for all the PON-breeders around the

Polski Owczarek Nizinny - Online Pedigree Database Administrator



Popular Articles on PON Digest





PON Paw Care

Learn about the best ways of caring for your PON's paws during cold weather months.

For the complete article, please click on:







Playing it safe with anesthesia


 When your PON is scheduled for a tooth cleaning or any other surgical procedure which requires anesthesia, it is of utmost importance that food is withheld at least twelve hours prior to surgery. Not only will this prevent your PON from vomiting and inhaling stomach contents during surgery, but it will also reduce nausea as your PON regains consciousness. This advice is vital for the well being of your PON and needs the co-operation of all family members.

Please click on the link for the complete article:










Keep your Pon's gums healthy with cranberries !


Cranberries go to the dogs ... and cats

By DUNSTAN PRIAL, Standard-Times staff writer

The human health benefits of cranberries have been recognized by medical science for decades.
Now the cranberry industry hopes the nation's millions of pet owners will apply the same concept to their beloved cats and dogs.
A study to be released today by UMass Dartmouth's Center for Business Research has identified the $14 billion-a-year pet food industry as a potentially wide-open market for the slumping cranberry

Please click the link for the complete article:






Does your PON suffer from arthritis ?

Green lipped mussels for alleviating arthritis in dogs.

  Green-lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus) is a New Zealand shellfish, from which an extract has been shown to be useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis  and osteoarthritis .

Green-lipped mussel inhibits inflammation in the body. Although inflammation is normal under certain conditions, consistent  inflammation can result in pain  and damage to the body, including the joints.

Please click on the link for the complete article:





The Yin and Yang of the PON Digestive System


Striving towards a well balanced Healthy PON digestive system


  The concepts of Yin and Yang contributed to the Chinese scientific system, particularly in fields like biology and medicine The organs of the body were seen to be interrelated in the same kinds of ways as other natural phenomena, and most understood by searching for cause and effect. Illness was seen as a disturbance in the balance of Yin and Yang  caused by emotions, heat or cold, or other influences. Therapy thus depended on accurate diagnosis of the source of the imbalance.

PON owners can readily apply Yin and Yang to their management of PON nutrition and ultimately to solving digestive issues.

Please click on the link for the complete article:








Multi-drug Sensitivity

Polish Lowland Sheepdog owners need to be informed !



 Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Originally found in http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/depts-VCPL/.

Some dogs can have adverse reactions to drugs such as ivermectin, loperamide , Imodium® , and others. It was previously unknown why some individual dogs were sensitive and others were not. Advances in molecular biology at the Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory at Washington State University's College of Veterinary Medicine have led to the discovery of the cause of multi-drug sensitivity in affected dogs

Please click the link for the complete article:




How to Give Canine CPR

by Lori S. Mohr (First Aid For Dogs - Tim Hawcroft)

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is the process of breathing life back
into an unconscious human. A similar technique can also work effectively on dogs.

The signs that indicate the need for CPR include unconsciousness, lack of
arousal, lack of physical movement, or eye blinking. These symptoms can occur
from drowning, choking, electrical shock, or a number of other situations.
The key to canine CPR is remembering the ABCs:

 Please click the link for the complete article:



Make Your Own Natural Flea Repellent


European sources have confirmed the effective use of vinegar for flea control. To be sure of complete protection, please spray often (every hour) and  pour a small amount of apple cider vinegar into your PON'S drinking water on a regular basis.

Please click the link for the complete article and formulas:








Those gunky ears: Dealing with ear problems


  If you are one of those conscientious PON owners who have spent untold amounts of money with your local veterinarian for gunky ear problems, then it is high time to take matters into your own hands and look further than expensive veterinary ear solutions and  ear cleaning sessions at your vet's office.What are the main causes of canine ear problems ? Most veterinarians will agree that the most common underlying causes of ear problems in dogs are allergic reactions (inhalant and food allergies).

Please click the link for the complete article:





When Your Pon has fatty tumors


Occasionally, PON owners will post to Yahoogroups about bumps or fatty tumors they have come across while grooming their PONS and inquire if this is common in the breed. The answer is not uncomplicated, but studies indicate that overweight dogs are more susceptible to fatty tumors called lipomas. These lipomas have the consistency of a baggy filled with water and may be found all over a PON's body. For newbie owners this is scary and may result in a quick visit to the vet

Please click the link for the complete article:









Health Reports Vital to the well being of our beloved PONS

( please click on the above text)

Scientifically based research is warmly welcome.







Please click on the above graphic.




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PON Digest Previous Editions











April, 2011

 March, 2011

 February, 2011

January, 2011

December, 2010




August, 2010

July, 2010

June, 2010

May, 2010


March, 2010

February, 2010

January, 2010

December, 2009

November, 2009

October, 2009

September, 2009

August, 2009

July, 2009

June, 2009

May, 2009

April, 2009

March, 2009

February, 2009

January, 2009

December, 2008

November, 2008

October, 2008

September, 2008

August, 2008

July, 2008

June, 2008

May, 2008

April, 2008

March, 2008


January, 2008

December, 2007

November, 2007

October, 2007

September, 2007

August, 2007

June, 2007

July, 2007

May, 2007

April, 2007

March, 2007

February, 2007

January, 2007

December, 2006

November, 2006

October, 2006

September, 2006

August, 2006

July, 2006

June, 2006























Simply type in a Polish or English word you would like translated.






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Information on this web site is intended for informational purposes only. Nothing on this publication is intended to be a substitute for professional veterinary care. Please consult your veterinarian for all health issues.







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