Polish Lowland Sheepdogs - PONS
Barbed Wires on the Moor
Bluenn The Niz, in exclusive report for the review of the NCF At Patrick Le Roux home (ST
Adrien 22)
Folks !! The
Brittanny moors were being disrupted by a rowdy herd of woolly
four-legged bandits , and the Sheriff
roped in yours truly and some local guys to bring back some law and
impress these wild sheep , mustn't let on that I'm just a beginner! Yo!
The Sheriff's deputy wanted it done style,
"coolman"…but I said "no way man"...didn't want to
find myself smoking any old "weeds" or such like ...or even
worse dressed up as a fancy wigged French Marquis.. Those
walking wool rugs had some hard times coming !! Come
sunrise , one fine spring day , we set off in the chuck-wagon...”Hey Ho!
Silver…Let’s go get them!” When
we arrived, the cavalry was already there. For
the reinforcements, you have from left to the right on the photograph: !!!!
A little rigour in page-setting, please.... Good
I begin again, from left to the right, you find: Uros,
Sampa, Vévé, Vale, Ustelle, Bluenn, Arnaque Well
right away I could see that the situation was pretty desperate and me and
the guys got down to some serious work.................. 1)
Firstly ...to approach these sheep a little trick was needed...I roll
myself in their droppings....what a smell ! 2)
The goal is to know if my instinct of shepherd always exists.
Sherif f saw right away that my herding instinct was evident....Boy! was I interested in those sheep!! To test me , he sent me off to run around. I did very good fold back actions, but in a disorganized way.
day , things got more serious. He had me lying down next to the herd of
sheep.....and even
when they ran off, I had to control my natural instinct and stay put. That
was really tough! I am after all a Nizinny!...but at the end of day 2, I
could control myself. 4° On the third day...a little going over the previous day’s work. Results VERY positive! He lets me accompany the herd because I don’t run and split them up....I only run to bring back a stray. I keep them together in a calm and effic ient manner.I
did some very good circling tactics. Like
a true NIZINNY I have learned quickly and well. ..I have a natural herding
instinct..no agression at all towards those sheep. But
as Patrick says “ one
NIZINNY at a time !please!! Two at the same time ...too hard going”!! It
seems he found me a little STUBBORN !! For those amateurs of sheep work-outs...this formation is based on the natural psychology of each dog...and by fun and pleasure ..being a real beginner ,I was the only one on a long rope the second day. I
shall certainly continue this formation and will keep you informed of my
progress.. Vive
les PONS!!!!