Polish Lowland Sheepdogs - PONS








Premier Pons - Darling Be Be





PON Horoscopes for July

 Which Astrological Sign belongs to your PON ?

Capricorn PON (Born between December 22nd - January 19th)   Climate changes are increasing the flea and tick population. You better make sure and groom your PON more thoroughly or expect to find some "surprises" in his undercoat. Avoid treats with sugar which may attract insects to creatures with a higher blood sugar level. That newcomer to the breed is being recruited by someone with an agenda.


 Aquarius PON (Born between January 20th - February 18th) Zany PON -  Avoid steroids for allergy problems because they bring their own shipload of health issues. Try tree tree oil or apple cider vinegar for hot spots. Ask your club's president about new assignments if your committee appears to be inactive. Don't wait, take action now if you wish to help further the well being of this breed.


 Pisces PON (Born between February 19th - March 20th) That newly found yeast in your PON'S ears may be the result of either inhalant or food allergies. Do an elimination diet to determine if the problem is food. Consult friends in the breed for information on upcoming events. Volunteer your services before being asked to do so. You will be told some gossip about a newcomer, but you need to avoid badmouthing individuals or risk becoming involved in matters above your head. Think for yourself.


Aries PON (Born between March 21st - April 19th) Feisty PON - Sore paws are not only unsightly, but a health risk if not correctly treated. Consult your vet rather than relying on auntie Tamara and her snake oil remedies. Giving lip service to a political agenda won't help the welfare of the breed and will create yet more problems. Consider reasons for the apparent lack of research and try and motivate all those you know to take the first steps in making changes.



 Taurus Dog (Born between April 20th - May 20th) Take it easy PON - How are you personally helping the welfare of the breed ? Start your own project whether it is a Yahoo lists, site or just plain offering your advice to breed newcomers. Mentoring an inexperienced PON owner will help the well being of the breed.  That bump on your PON needs to have a vet's attention. Make an appointment today and don't rely on gossip for solutions.


Gemini PON (Born between May 21st - June 20th) Gregarious PON -  If you can't cope with intensive grooming required by the breed, seek out an experienced groomer and if none are available in your area, look for owners of double coated breeds and ask if they would be willing to help you. That call from a "friend" in the breed was not all that innocent as you originally thought. Evaluate her data and seek your own strategies.



Cancer PON (Born between June 21st - 21st July) Family PON - If your PON's behavior suddenly changes, have your vet check out thyroid and eye issues rather than depend on auntie Charlotte's remedies.  Consider the difference of education and experience with canines and if a phone call arrives, excuse yourself and follow your heart.  Your PON's welfare may depend upon your actions. Be careful about signing paperwork.



 Leo PON (Born between July 22nd - August 22nd) Proud PON  - Have you been told you can volunteer your help and so far, have heard nothing back ? You aren't the only one in this situation. If your PON has loose stools after digesting yogurt, he may be lactose intolerant. Try dark green veggies as a source of calcium. Eggs offer an excellent choice for those who have issues with beef products and they are produced in the USA.


Virgo PON (Born between August 23rd - September 23rd) Working PON - Avoid over heating during hot weather months by remaining indoors. Never leave your PON in a car, not even for a few minutes. Mats may cause more discomfort during hot weather months. If someone tries to talk you into purchasing remedies online, consult your vet for a final decision. Think for yourself.




Libra PON (Born between September 24th - October 22nd)  Don't be put off by those who try to discourage you from showing. Seek objective advice from breed experts and judges.  You may need to wait longer than desired to start showing your PON due to certain health issues, but you will be able to show him in the next few months. If there is something you don't understand about PON behavior, post on some Yahoo groups and other owners will try their best to help you.



Scorpio PON (Born between October 23rd - November 21st)  Don't leave out food during hot weather months because even kibble can go off. Consider making changes in your daily routine and do most exercise early in the morning. You will get an e-mail with some hot gossip, but it is better to ignore it and do as you see fit. What works for one PON may not work for another PON. Don't give in to those who have their own agendas.



Sagittarius PON (Born between November 22nd - December 21st) Adventurous PON - Make sure that your PON goes to yearly check-ups because there is an issue which needs discussing with your vet. Avoid too much talk with those who are looking to spread rumors.  You may need to remove certain bushes and look for fire ants in your yard. Being careful has more advantages than taking it easy and paying for it later on.




Loana's Shadow, New York

"Once upon a quiet  evening my partner and I were playing with my  two dogs, one a PON  named Shadow, and another dog from the pound, called Wiggles.They are very different but the very best of friends.  Their favorite game is trying to grab toys from one another and carry them around.  They are very different kinds of dogs( obviously one a PON, but the other a hound-Rotweiller mix) but both like the experience of something new.  So my partner, being the creative person he is, decided to place a nylabone into the kong.  And lo and behold, it catches in there and makes a great toy.   We called it the kongbone.   Now both go for the biggest and best toy, and as one can see from the pic, Shadow won this one.  I am sure your PON would love one also."

Written by Loana Shields, New York






