Make an inexpensive dog toy instead of replacing
pricey toys: Drill a hole through a tennis ball, which is large
enough to put a rope through. Thread a 6-8 foot rope through the
two holes, and tie knots as close to the ball as possible. Then
make a loop with the remaining rope, and tie a knot. PONS love to play tug
and toss !
Tip: Did you know that adding a little sage to your
PON's diet may help keep fleas off him? (fleas hate the scent of
All natural, homemade flea dip: Boil a quart of
water; remove from heat and add 2 cups fresh rosemary and/or mint and
let it steep for about 30 minutes. After straining the herbs,
dilute with 4 quarts of warm water. Pour it over your PON, working
it into his coat and skin. This is extremely refreshing !
Dry skin relief: A low cost home
remedy for your PON's dry skin is chamomile tea. Just brew a
few cups, allow it to cool, and pour it over your PON, working it gently
into his skin. Not only is it soothing, but it won't leave any
oily residue.
Low-Cost Herbal Dog Shampoo: You can make an
excellent and inexpensive herbal dog shampoo from ingredients that
you probably already have around the house. Simply dilute a
handful of Aloe Vera gel with water and work it into your PON's coat
(it's best if your PON's coat is dry!), then rinse well with water.
If you like a little more foaming action, add a touch of baby shampoo to
the recipe. This shampoo is very mild on your PON's skin and will
leave his coat gleaming!
Dry Pet Shampoo
Rub the powder deep into your PON's fur. The granules binds to the
dirt, oil and odor which can then be easily brushed out. Dry Shampoo
does not leave behind any sticky residue and thus prevents quick
Dry Pet Shampoo
1/2 to 1 cup bran
1/2 to 1 cup oatmeal or cornmeal
Combine ingredients in a container with tight fitting lid. Shake
vigorously to blend. Brush your dog thoroughly with a natural bristle
brush to remove any loose dirt.
Sprinkle Dry pet shampoo uniformly on a small area of your pet.
Rub it in with a clean dry brush, warm towel or your fingers in slow,
circular movements. Then proceed to the next area.
Leave for 20 minutes. Allow 50 minutes in the case of heavy
odor. It is possible to tread on the carpet during this time.
Then brush your PON thoroughly with a natural bristle brush to
remove powder with the dirt and dander is has collected.
Tip: Test a small area for reactions. Use contents
within a short time.
Dry Shampoo For Pets
1/2 cup baking soda
1/4 cup corn starch
1/4 cup rice flour
3-4 drops essential oils of choice (try the flea repellent blend
Flea repellant essential oil blend
5 drops citronella
3 drops lemon
3 drops rosemary
3 drops thyme
Combine ingredients in a container with tight fitting lid. Shake
vigorously to blend scent into powder. Follow above directions.
Rabies and other vaccinations: In some areas,
local vets get together once a month or so to offer a vaccination
clinic, and charge substantially less than an office visit! Check
with your local pet supply store or vet to see if there's one in your
Additional Frugal tips:
- Don’t disregard pet insurance. For some owners, pet insurance
will save them money when an emergency comes up. The best thing to
do is look at the individual insurance policies and do the math.
Eight dollars a month may be worth it.
- Search for vaccine clinics in your area. A local animal shelter
offers rabies (and microchip) clinics several times a year. Local
vets donate their time for these events and the rabies vaccines are
given at a reduced price.
- If your community requires a dog license, see if they offer a
life-time license. Pennsylvania offers a lifetime license. For
neutered dogs, the cost is $31. Compare this to the yearly cost of
$6. The lifetime license does require your dog be tattooed or
microchipped (an additional cost). A local shelter has held
microchip clinics to encourage people to license their dogs
We would love to hear back about your own PON frugal tips. Just send
us an e-mail and we will upload your advice on upcoming issues of PON
Digest !