Polish Lowland Sheepdog - pons - pon the dog
Windy out here !
White Star Pons, Florida, USA
June, 2008
Frequently Asked Questions about PONS You've Always Wanted to Know !
I don't plan on breeding, and my vet as well as my breeder are pressuring me to castrate my PON. What are your opinions about this topic ?
PON Digest has an article on this subject this month. There are additional issues as well. Did you sign a contract with your breeder about castrating your PON ? You need to consider ethical/legal/health issues.
I would love to attend a seminar on canine health, but none are being given in my area. Do you know of other PON owners who are interested in carpooling ? If you live in an area with a sizable PON populations, you might consider calling around and speaking with owners about carpooling.
My PON never had allergies, but now she is itchy when pollen counts are up. Will a change in diet help her ? Immune systems change and you might be well advised to have tests to make sure your PON has allergies and not a thyroid condition.
Are there any MDRl gene clinics ?
now posts MDR1 Gene Clinics. For June there are several:
June 7 Colorado Springs, June 27-28 Wrentham, Ma, June 28
Bainbridge, NY and June 28-29 Oklahoma City, OK.
Please click on a location to view event details throughout the
PON Facts Closely inspect your PON's paws after returning from all outdoor activities. This may help prevent more complicated skin problems.